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Its been a long time since i last posted. During t... / Thanks Grace, Gerald, Hong Yu and Qiao Yu for comi... / I'm feeling bored at home, although i have chose m... / Hmmm, actually for the past few days from 7-10 jan... / Hey hey, its been quite some time since i last upd... / Yeah, today is my last day of work. Earn not much ... / Today wake up very early to go to my sis new secon... / Yeah! Home sweet home. I'm back from camp. XDDay 1... / Today went to eat Swensens with Kellison and Gui y... / Today went to the BIE course at tp. It was interes... /

/ Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 10:42 PM
Its been a really long time since i last updated. Quite busy with tutorials, test, modules and SYF which is round the corner.
I don't feel stress although i got loads of homework which i'm quite puzzled too..
Basically, for now.. i only pass maths and chi . The rest fail... sad to say physics and chem are both U grade.
Interesting fact is that i did not regret my choice to come to a jc yet... even with such results and i have bad feeling that i would probably be retained next year.
Probably my momentum is still steady because of the great friends and teachers around me that gave me encouragement, so that i can persevere and keep on moving forward.
I will carry on working doubly hard and not let anyone down !

( Jia yous!! to all my friends too )
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