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Hi. You've stopped at this year's up to date shiets of my life. For the dipwads, navigate with the arrow near the title above. The icon is split in half, alright? Whut a smart kiddo you are.

Yo, Thanks for viewing this dead blog of mine. Sincerely appreciated! :)

Recently I've gt extremely fast heartbeat~ / Motivation / Friends / Argh! / I going crazy if I keep thinking about it... Even ... / Just wanna say chances are not always there for u,... / Wedding~ / =.=''' / =.='mm / Blog is not considered as diary, can't really put ... /

Future / Wednesday, December 14, 2011 @ 6:08 PM
Seriously, at this age like 19 or older, one should have aims already. Its time to wake up from ur dreamland and face reality, until now, if u do not have any future goals how to succeed? There isnt much time to be wasted anymore. if there are no aims in life, how to succeed..i learnt a lot through the talk ysd, and from friends... our career lies in our hands.

to those still living in their own dreamland, wake up!

im on my way to face it! and i know what i want.
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.